Sunday, January 22, 2006

An Apology To Our Listeners

We've gotten a record amount of feedback on the Ask A Gamer segment, almost entirely negative. I want to assure everyone that the segment is dead and won't be appearing again here. I apologize to everyone, but most of all Star Wars fans. I do the final edit of the show and decide what goes in, so ultimately the blame is mine.

I hope folks will give us another chance. I know that a past annoyance used up a lot of people's patience, but still...

-- Mark Kinney
Host, All Games Considered


Kaemaril said...

Shame, really.

It was bad, yes. But in a good way. Perhaps a guest appearance from time to time?

Mark Kinney said...

The voice was run through a filter, apart from being a "voice" anyway.

It won't be returning to the show, but it *might* end up becoming its own feed.

Rowdy Scarlett said...

I thought it was funny as hell....

Miscatonic said...

I think anyone that actually felt they needed to be apoligised to needs to lighten up. It was one persons opinion. Rest easy Lucasites.

Kaemaril said...

It won't be returning to the show, but it *might* end up becoming its own feed.
Oooh, yes please :)

Anonymous said...

I actually thought it was hilarious, but I thought it was a joke. Anyway, never apologize! There's no such thing as bad publicity!

Eric said...

More more more!!

Seriously, it was great. Let us know if it gets it's own feed.

Unknown said...

I was actually expecting a straight answer. It was funny, but it did make me wonder if it would be interesting to have a small spot for non gamers with questions looking for honest answers.

Jimmy said...

It sounded like something from RPPR.